Showing posts with label floral. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label floral. Show all posts
  • Currently working on a project that I'm looking at greening internally in a new, unusual way. The "greening" is to be educational and something that the visitors to my Biomimicry Discovery Centre can make. Currently loving these potless gardens which are inspired by Kokedama (moss ball).

    More at here

  • Looking at interesting ways and planters that will help to bring a little more greenery into my designed spaces.
    Stumbled across these cuties, thought I would share.

  • I'm finding myself currently obsessed with all sorts of illustrations. There's so much you can express with them. Here are some that I'm loving at the moment:

    Madame Tea by Marie  Pertriaux

    1950's florals by Elizabeth Owen

    Nature Boy by Toska

    Storm in a Teacup for ToDryFor