Showing posts with label flower. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label flower. Show all posts
  • Looking at interesting ways and planters that will help to bring a little more greenery into my designed spaces.
    Stumbled across these cuties, thought I would share.

  • I'm finding myself currently obsessed with all sorts of illustrations. There's so much you can express with them. Here are some that I'm loving at the moment:

    Madame Tea by Marie  Pertriaux

    1950's florals by Elizabeth Owen

    Nature Boy by Toska

    Storm in a Teacup for ToDryFor

  • The speaker that stood out the most for me today is Daan Roosegaarde. He describes himself as a hippie with a business plan.

     He does what he describes as Techno-Poetry. His projects involve a lot of technology and more so interaction, his Lotus Dome project is a good example. The dome features ultra-light aluminium flowers that fold open as a response to human movement and behaviour creating a spectacular play of light, shadow and pattern.

    Here he is talking a little bit about himself and what he designs.

    And here is a video showcasing the Lotus Dome